2021年5月22日 — Cursor Pointer and other classes for Bootstrap 5 ... By default, Bootstrap 5 does not include classes for the CSS cursor properties. Here is how ...
The default cursor on summary is text , so we reset that to pointer to convey that the element can be interacted with by clicking on it. Some details. More info ...
2017年11月13日 — I tried and found out that if you add a class called btn you can get that hand or cursor icon if you hover over the mouse to that element. Try ...
2018年9月20日 — I am using bootstrap cards class and I want to see the cursor pointer when hovering some card. However, I do not want to use style attribute, ...
2022年11月18日 — Reboot Pointers on buttons can be created by adding role=”button” attribute to the element. It changes the default cursor to the pointer when we ...